Wednesday, April 8, 2009

When the Boddekers Go to the City

After we convinced Cassie and Hannah that we would only be in the car for 45 minutes, therefore it was not necessary to bring water bottles and a backpack full of snacks, we started the road trip to Nashville with a little nap. All that getting ready and asking over and over again what time we were leaving is really exhausting.
Cassie used her birthday money to get a Build-a-Bear(Dog) complete with roller skates.
This is a self portrait taken at lunch at The Aquarium.

We took pictures with a few different animals.  Christian struck his usual "arms crossed" posed, but if you look carefully at the shark photo, it looks like he may be thinking about smiling.

Cassie entertained herself in the dressing rooms while Holly tried on clothes, and tried on clothes, and then tried on clothes.

Cassie, Hannah (and Holly) rode some trucks and cars.

Paul took the Rodeo Bull Strength Challenge and was deemed World Champion Bulldogger.  I don't know what a bulldogger is but it sounds very strong.

Cassie and Christian bungee jumped.

Then we ended the day just as it began, except with extra bears.


candy said...

I'm exhausted just reading about it. Looks like a good time was had by all!

Toothy said...

WOW, it sounds like ya'll had an awesome day trip. So did Holly actually find some clothes that she liked? We took Jack to the Aquarium restaurant like a year ago and he loved it, you are making me want to take him again.