Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hi, I'm Just Ridin' My Bike!

Today Hannah rode a big girl bike for the first time.  My friend, Jennifer, gave us a great Strawberry Shortcake bike with streamers, a bell, a basket, and training wheels.  I hinted to Hannah that her Papa might like to "pimp her ride" (I didn't use that phrase!) by getting her a flashy license plate with her name on it.  It shocked me that Hannah's first move was to remove the streamers and all the pink cushy pads.  Go figure.  She's her Daddy's girl.  She hopped on and rode all the way down the street.  She sang a little song comprised of the catchy chorus, "I'm a big girl, I'm a big girl, I'm a big girl."  Anytime we ran up on someone she shouted, "Oh hi!  I'm just ridin' my bike!"  Like she's been doing this for years and years.  We still have braking issues.  When she wants to stop she just slams into things like picnic tables and brick houses.  That's when we decided a helmut was probably necessary.


cherry darling said...

Oh, she's definitely a big girl now! Wasn't it like yesterday that she was still a baby? When did this growing up thing happen?

candy said...

She really is her Daddy's girl in many ways. She does have her Mama's sweet nature. What a combination. Hard to believe she's almost 3!

RRigdon said...


Toothy said...

After she ran into our house (er ya'lls place that we are living in), Jack had so much fun playing with Hannah. When we left the trampoline he was crying so hard cause he wanted to stay and go swimming.