Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Camping Outtakes

In the previous post you saw our wonderful camping trip.  Those photos were strategically chosen to show easy, happy go lucky, quality family time.  Here's the dark secret behind family camping:

One of us pouted before we even left the house about not being able to take Creepy, Gigantic Barbie in the tent:

One of us ate 2 hot dogs, a donut, and beef jerky,  then threw up,  then left the camping area and slept warm and snuggly in her own bed: 

One of us fell in a hole and sprained our ankle:
One of us was preoccupied with the thought of going to the bathroom in the woods, which was fine, until we smelled poo a little too close to our campsite.  Oh dear. (I will protect the innocent and not name names, but it wasn't me, or Holly...)


Mrs. G. said...

It looks like you guys had some real fun!

a said...

I love this post.

- Amanda M.

Anonymous said...

I knew the potty situation would be an issue. What about spiders and snakes? I am definitely not a camping girl.

Anonymous said...

Barbie, no matter what size, is always creepy.