Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's the Small Things

I tend to get easily overwhelmed when I think of motherhood on a large scale. I start to hyperventilate when I think of Hannah as a college student, or when I think of Cassie dating. When I wonder if there is some big something that I might forget to teach them, or show them, or a tradition that I forget to start, I panic. It's also hard work, really hard.

But when I squint I can't see the big, scary stuff anymore, and instead I see the way Hannah's little legs swing and dangle in the chair while she sings to herself, and I beg myself to remember the way her sweet arms feel around my neck when she leans over to give me a kiss, or how very soft and plump her cheeks are when I kiss her. I see the way she makes up beautiful names for annoying weeds (bumble-fuzzies) and picks them to save "forever and ever because they are so beautiful."

I love it that she thanks God for Build a Bear Workshop and for gum in the same breath that she thanks Him for her family and the "wonderful day." My heart almost bursts when she asks me if I will always be her Mommy, even when she is an old lady. It makes me so happy to be able to say, "Yes, I will always be your Mommy."


Mom said...

Now you see why my mom called me Bebe (Baby) and I call you baby from time to time. That is just the way moms are about their children. Moms never forget those precious moments and little arms around their neck. Mom

CK-S said...

You made me cry!