Monday, May 25, 2009

Some Practical Advice

I think there should be a required high school class on job searches.  This class would include things like how to ask for an application, how to fill it out, how to follow up, interviewing techniques, etc.  Until this happens, here are some helpful hints:
  • Don't apply for full time employment if you can only work on Tuesdays and Thursday from 4:00-8:00.
  • Do not ask for a job application in a tube top and flip flops.
  • Use a dictionary to help spell words that you are unsure of.
  • If you left all your previous jobs because of problems with management, chances are you will have problems with me as well.
  • Be wise when choosing your email address.  All things being equal I will probably not hire "hornygrrl"
  • Do not have your mother call to inquire about a job for you.
  • $10.00 an hour is an unrealistic salary expectation for an entry level part time  bookseller position.
  • Even if you feel particularly skilled at operating a calculator, it is best not to mention it as a computer skill.
Today a girl walked up to me and said:
Her: "Hey! How old do you have to be to work here?"
Me: "16"
Her: "Cool.  How many positions do you have?"
Me:  "None:
Her:  "Awww. That sucks"
  • Don't be the "Her" in the above scenario.
  • When the application asks for references, do not write "Upon request."  Because, see how the application was the request?
  • If you list a conviction for armed robbery I will not hire you.  Probably.
  • If you come to the interview late you can forget it.
  • Do not shake hands like a dead fish.
  • Do not be rude to current employees, they will rat you out and you will not be hired.


cherry darling said...

lol, you're blogs always make me giggle but I can definitely relate to this one... When I was at F.Y.E. (the music store in the mall) there was a girl who came in and her only two questions were as follows...
1. Are you hiring?
2. What do you sell here?

I told her we were not hiring and seriously questioned her observation skills...

mary jo said...

My favorite application this week listed "that girl who works here" under previous job titles...

Proper Primer said...

Just for the record, I took this class in high school. It does exist. And that is why I have a job. (I hope.)

candy said...

I could write a book.....

Libby said...

Maybe you should teach that class! Or just hand out copies of the Don't List.
I'd love to conduct an interview to see how well I could predict someone's suitability, if they get past filling out the application, that is.

RRigdon said...

I DO wish you'd hire me to sit behind Libby, whispering my observations into her she compiles her list of observations...

Anonymous said...

The interview from Stepbrothers was the best.