Thursday, December 3, 2009

Feelings..and Some Random Hannah-ness

Mommy did you ever feel like this when you were a little girl?
"Like what, baby? How do you feel?"
I expected some sort of big, powerful statement.
She said, "Like this" and she half closed her eyes and fell back on me.
Yes, Hannah, I have often felt just like that!

Every night I ask Hannah what her favorite part of the day was. Tonight she said that it was watching Rick Steve's Europe.

Hannah was gazing lovingly and longingly at the Mama, Middle, and Baby Panda Bears in Cassie's room. She said, "Mama, don't you just wish that those bears were yours?" Since then she has been dragging them around and assigning each one their own panda language.

More Baby Ghost stories. I told you about the wedding with Baby Ghost's daddy. They now call each other honey (I don't know where she got that!) Well, it seems that her honey went and got a bloodhound dog without asking Hannah. Now Hannah has to take care of it. She is not a happy wife.

Lately she has hit upon a new phrase that makes her feel powerful. It starts with "Don't you dare..." She uses it when fussing at her brother and sisters, mainly. I heard the following statements: To Cassie she said, "Don't you dare make fun of my baby, she is ill!" To Christian she said, "How dare you talk to a little girl like me that way!"

This week she started a new habit of ending every sentence with "Check!"

Hannah sleeps with a monitor on in her room, by her choice. When she was a baby it was necessary, but now that she gets in and out of bed on her own it isn't needed quite so much. I usually use it for entertainment purposes so that I can hear her when she is playing with her babies or singing to herself. Now she gets up out of bed at night to turn on her "termonitor." It's only a small part of her evening ritual. Another part of her ritual is calling me up to her room at least twice after I tuck her in and say goodnight. Tonight, after she called me up for the second time, she told me that I could turn her termonitor off. When I asked why, she told me that she didn't think she would be calling me again tonight. And she didn't. Because she didn't want me to hear her rummaging around long after she was supposed to be asleep.

1 comment:

candy said...

I also love Rick Steves Europe but didn't start watching it until well into my 40s. As usual, Hannah is one wise old woman, trapped in a 3 year old's body. I could read this stuff every day. Keep it coming!