Sunday, December 2, 2007

The things I can't show you from this weekend.

A nasty stomach virus is making its way through the Boddeker household.  I'm afraid I started the wretched thing.  Hannah then caught it and passed it on to Christian.  Luckily it leaves as quickly as it comes!  Paul spent his weekend doing lots of laundry!  Then, Saturday night, during the sleep over, while reading a book, I had a case of spontaneous eyeball bleeding.  What?  You have never heard of this?  Well, neither has anyone at the Medical Center Emergency Room!  After some searching and poking and bright lights they removed a "blood fiber" from my eye.  It was determined that I scratched my cornea and cut my eyelid.  I feel certain that the blood fiber was actually part of my brain.  The memory part.  While I had visions of a pirate eye patch, I left with some drops and instructions to wear glasses for awhile.  By the way, I had decided that my pirate eye patch would be pink with flowers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hvae thought up some wild excuses to get out of working during the holidays, but never came up with spontaneous eyeball bleeding! It just sounds dreadful....and the stomach virus doesn't sound like much fun either. Hope all is better now.