Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Workout Is What You Make It

I bought a Spin Bike recently. I've always loved Spinning and now that I have the perfect workout room dungeon, I no longer have to pay the gym membership to pretend that I might actually wake up at 5 am to attend a class. So, I love it so much that I convinced myself to get up an hour early to squeeze in a workout before work. Have I mentioned that I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON? Well, I'm not. It's not that I'm grumpy or anything, just sort of brain dead. Simple things really confuse me until about 10 am. But, I set my alarm and was up at 5am! Great start!
Then I couldn't decide what to wear. To the basement. By myself. Where absolutely no one was going to see me. OK, eventually found cute shorts and a shirt. Like it matters. Found socks. Score! Headed to the torture chamber, put on my heart rate monitor and strapped my feet onto my bike. Then realized that I didn't have water.
Since my spin instructors are pretty serious about hydration, I unstrapped and ran back upstairs for a water bottle. Got strapped back in. Then I couldn't find the remote for the tv. How am I going to be inspired to bike up loooong hills if Josh Taylor can't talk me through it? So, I unstrapped again and found the remote. It was on the 1980's treadmill. I started to think that maybe I should just walk on it today, that spinning was a little more that I had to give at this time and I wouldn't want to burn out on something I love so much. And I'd already had to unstrap twice, so obviously the universe was trying to tell me something.
I thought maybe I would just sit on my workout mat and think this thing out rationally. I would weigh my options and while I was at it, I should probably plan out the whole week so that this sort of thing won't happen again.
I thought that this was really productive, I had grown. I understood myself to know that I don't make good decisions in the morning. I learned that to overcome this obstacle in my life I would have to plan my workout by the week. This might require a wipe off board and some new dry erase markers in bright colors. All of which would help me lose weight.
Then I fell asleep on my workout mat. What? IT WAS 5 AM!
When I awoke, my heart rate monitor said that I burned 3 calories.
I went to the basement to burn calories and that is exactly what I did.

Hannah seems to have it all figured out though.

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