Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Blog or My Butt

Apparently I can't make time for both.  I can either update this blog or exercise.  Lately I have been doing a lot of swimming, thus the blog has suffered.  I have been trying to find a way to swim laps without dying of boredom.  I tried to count the laps, but I lose count because numbers mean nothing to me, so instead I've assigned a letter of the alphabet to each lap.  Then, as I swim down and back up I try to think of every word I can that begins with that letter.  Because that's the way we nerds roll.  Tonight I got through the entire alphabet!  Since this pool has been filled and since Mrs. G "dared" me, I have lost 12 pounds.


Mrs. G. said...

Wooooohoooooo! I am so thrilled for you and your butt.

I'm going to have to brag about you next Wed!

Natalie said...

Thanks Mrs. G! I don't believe anyone has been thrilled for my butt before!!! (Other than me, of course!)

Anonymous said...

12 ell bees (inside joke unless you saw "Daddy's Dying, Who's Got the Will in the 80s). Wow, that's a lot of swimming. Good job!