I've been trying for months to find a room of my own in this house. Just a small corner of space that I can sit some things on and call it MY OWN. Not that I can't share or anything, but come on people, I need SOME SPACE! It doesn't even matter if I use the space or not, just knowing that it is there is nice. Sometimes I peek my head in just to look at it. In this room I have my head vase collection:
(strange, but true,) my wonderful antique walnut desk, and pictures from my travels. Some might refer to it as a dining room, but whatever. Now, as of today, with one quick trip to Sam's, it has been reverted to a game room. Not just any game, a loud, crashing, banging, whooping and hollering game. It is temporary, until the pool is finished, but still... I am not happy about the bad mojo going on in my room!
My wonderful bloggy friend,
Mrs. G, has decided to take over her laundry room as her space, I might join her! By the way, she's asking for decorating tips (Candy, I'm looking at YOU!)