Friday, June 26, 2009

Trying to Figure Things Out When Not Everything Makes Sense

  • Hannah informed me that she would like to get a book about pigs the next time she is at Barnes & Noble. Why pigs, I asked? She told me that while grocery shopping with Grandma she saw some "piglet eggs" and she wanted to know why. I told her that piglets don't come from eggs, and she said she knew that, but then she saw them at the grocery store. Very confusing. After some discussion I realized that she saw PICKLED EGGS and pig's feet. Still confusing, but a little less so.
  • Hannah told me that she knew that I was her boss, and when I was gone that Daddy, Nana or Grandma Lisa was her boss, but she wanted to know who she was the boss of. I told her she was the boss of her baby dolls. She immediately said "I'm going to my room to boss my babies."
  • I asked Hannah why she was up so early one day, she replied "I said, Hannah what is that light? And it was morning, so I got up." Yes, of course.
  • Christian and Cassie were fighting (shocking, I know) over who was getting the most air conditioning in the car. Hannah laughed and said "Christian and Cassie, wind is inbisible like Baby Ghost and God" So wise.
  • Cassie taught Hannah (and her cousin, Gracie) a new game on the trampoline. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I do know the words. It involves jumping around in a circle while singing, "Dead mummy, dead mummy come alive. Come alive when I count to five." I didn't really like the morbidness of this, but I really hated it when Hannah started singing later, "Dead Mommy, dead Mommy come alive, come alive when I count to five." I mean, sometimes it takes until 50, at least.

Special thanks to Heather, Joe and Ezra for the baking kit. She plays with it all the time, although when she puts on the apron and hat she likes to be called "Cooker" and I think that's kinda weird, but whatever!


candy said...

I think she has such an amazing imagination. I think she's a budding author.

Toothy said...

WOW, thoughts of a 3 year old are so cute and funny. I'll be lucky if Jack ever shares any of his thoughts with me, he is all boy and you know how guys are about sharing thoughts and feelings. haha