Thursday, January 22, 2009

Naked Mole Rats

This is our new favorite book.  Hannah, Cassie and I read it over and over again.  It is the story of Wilbur, a naked mole rat that likes to get dressed.  You can imagine the ridicule he endures.  Because, as it is stated in the book, there are a few things you must know about naked mole-rats:
  1.  They are a little bit rat.
  2.  They are a little bit mole.  
  3.  They are all naked.
But Wilbur asks "Why?  Why must naked mole rats be naked?"  Then Grandpa, the leader of the naked mole rats, says "Why, indeed?"  Then there is a PROCLAMATION (and we all know what that means.)  Soon everyone is making their own decisions and this is all you need to know about the rest of the story:
  1. Some of the mole rats were naked
  2. Some of the mole rats were clothed
  3. All of the mole rats had a great time 
Cassie likes the book because she can read it to Hannah, Hannah like the story because she gets to say "A PROCLAMATION, A PROCLAMATION!!"  I like the story because I have so much ummm... respect and admiration for the author's body (of work):

And now, for more on naked mole rats:

They aren't nearly as cute as when Mo draws them, but if you are interested and slightly bored, you can watch them 24/7 on the naked mole-rat cam.  Scroll down all the way to see some live mole rat action.  I watched it for 20 minutes and I'm pretty sure one of those rats is dead.


Anonymous said...

I can assure you there is no amount of money that could entice me to watch a video of mole rats. I am concerned about you. I think you've been drinking too much tea with "Nicole".

Anonymous said...

As much as I admire Mr. Willem's, ahem, writing style, I am sort of creeped out by this.

RRigdon said...

hahahahahahaha! 'cause you had those 20 minutes to spare. you weren' into your sleep or anything...

Natalie said...

Sleep? Who needs sleep when there are naked mole rats to watch (sleep)