Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bedtime Rituals

Hannah won't sleep until all bedtime rituals are performed. These rituals change from time to time. Currently, we have to rock, and sing some songs. One of the songs is the made-up "Everyone Loves Hannah". It goes like this: "Mommy loves Hannah, Daddy loves Hannah, ____ loves Hannah, ____ loves Hannah." Until I can think of no one else that might possibly love Hannah. If you have ever met her, you have probably been mentioned in this song. Her Nana made this song up when she was in hospital and we have sung it every night since. At some point I know that she will realize that everyone does not actually love her, but I'll let kindergarten teach that lesson. Then we read a book, these days it's Harry the Dirty Dog, we also love to read Martha Speaks. First I read it to her, then she reads it to me. Then we talk about our favorite part of the day, her favorite part is usually whatever she did in the past 15 minutes; what with the short attention span and all.

Then we make our way to bed where I do what she calls "The Ipsy, Ipsy Spider" on her back. Except that she doesn't like spiders so we have to do butterflies, which is just hard to say. Then we have to do it on her tummy, then again on her back, then her tummy. Then I have to tickle her tummy, then her back, etc.

Then she asks for a glass of water, which I keep in her play kitchen's refrigerator. Then we go through the goodnight sayings. "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite," and I love you more, no I love you more, no me more, no me more..."

Then I'm exhausted and want someone to tickle my tummy... then my back, then my tummy.


candy said...

What a good mommy you are. I would be willing to bet Vilas had a similar bedtime ritual with you not that many years ago.

Toothy said...

I feel lik e a bad Mom, I curl up on the couch with Jack, we watch 15 to 20 minutes of cartoons, then I tell him it's time to go to bed, he walks back to his room, I tuck him him, kiss him and leave. He usually will stay asleep unless it is thundering.