Monday, November 10, 2008


Hannah and I have been talking about manners and what it means to be polite.  I found manners flashcards in one of the closets I was cleaning (more on that crazy talk later!)  Turns out they are the devil.  I pictured the scenario going something like this:  Hannah and I sit down and calmly review the flashcards by first looking at the naughty side and discussing what was wrong.  Then we would talk about what could have been done and we would flip the card over and Viola!  She had the answer right all along!  We would talk about each card and when we completed them she would have perfect manners.  But, since these cards are the devil, and I set unrealistic expectations, it didn't really go as planned.  The first card:

The rest of the day (and several days since then) Hannah did this:

Devil cards.


RRigdon said...


once, i tried to pull a King Solomon and tell my kids i would cut a toy in half that they were arguing over. i expected them to say, "no! let [the other kid] have it! just don't cut it!" instead, they looked at me mutinously and said, "Do it."

Anonymous said...

Maube you should try the "Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners". Kim is reading it to Ben and he hasn't told me to go away in at least a week. Of course, he is still obsessed with the "poopyhead" and spitting in public, but all things considered, it could be worse.

Anonymous said...

Ryleigh was six years old.We were at the Mexican restaurant she was done eating and ask for some money to buy some candy at the counter. She went up their and waited and she could see the workers in the back talking in spanish. She says Ah Ha does anyone here speak English. Soda went out my nose and rushed to pay the bill and left.

a said...

I love this story! Ha!


Anonymous said...

Well, that is one thing Papa won't have to teach her!