Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Collection of Cup Holders

Hannah has a collection of Pez dispensers.  She insists on calling them "cup holders" and no one can convince her otherwise.  She sleeps with the entire bag of them every night and during the day she usually carries one or two around.  Sometimes she decides to pay special attention to only one of them (a different one every time) and this one gets a song or tucked into a pretend bed, or possibly kisses.  She puts them together in strange couples like Snow White with a jack-o-lantern, or Hello Kitty with Santa Claus.  She's weird, that one!


Zackie said...

Hannah, that's kind of, well, creepy. But whatever floats your boat!

Anonymous said...

Cup holders? Not getting the connection, but I am impressed at her counting skills. I am also comforted by fact that she's a collector just like her Mom!