Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yoohoo! Is Anyone Out There???

Hey!  You over there in Asdklrk, Jiofkenr, and Ejrkel!  Please comment!  Please?  Because I am a sucker for an audience, I would like to know if anyone reads this thing.  It's easy, just click the word comment and type away (good thoughts only!).  Don't forget to sign your name!!
I promise that I won't stalk you.
By the way, Candy- you win the prize for .....

Most Consistent Commenter  

The prize is....

Dinner at Mariah's!
(Cause Candy and I love Mariah's!!  I will have the chicken fingers and she will have the house salad with chicken and roasted black eyed peas!)

Mom and Dad?  You win the prize for....

Most Consistent Blog Viewer
(although really this is just a prize based on the honor system since you DON'T COMMENT!!!)

The prize is....

When you come to visit I have a list of projects that include gardening, laundry, organizing closets and kissing on babies!   Yay you!  (You cannot swap prizes with Candy!)


Mrs. G. said...

Yohoo...I'm out here.

Anonymous said...

If doing laundry is 2nd prize, could we have third place instead??? Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey - I'm consistent.

I have a blidget of your blog on my blog. How much more consistent than that can you be?

And I'd LOVE to organize your closets, cause I'm crazy that way.

Anonymous said...

You are crazy and you have turned me into a blog-o-holic! Jason asks me what I'm doing and when I tell him l;ooking at "my" blogs he reminds me that I do not have one.

Natalie said...

Mrs. G, you win for "Most Web Miles Traveled to Visit my Little Blog... Consistently"
Mom & Dad, I promise you don't want 3rd prize. They have to do with toilets.
Mary Jo, you can come organize my closets anytime. How about tomorrow? Are you free?
Jen- aren't you supposed to be working? :)
Thank you all for commenting! I feel so popular!

a said...

Me too! Me too!

-Amanda M.

Anonymous said...

While I am happy to accept my prize for most consistent commenting, I think I could have won in other categories if I had known there was a prize. You know I'm just a "titch" competitive. I'm ready for my Mariah's meal, just say when.
PS I will continue to comment, that's just what I do, unlike the fair weather commenters who are coming out of the woodwork now that they know there are prized involved!

Anonymous said...

I'm another silent one, but I do read your blog :)

Zackie's Aunt Barbara
and Mary Jo's big sister